Friday, March 31, 2006

Pretty cool logo

Originally uploaded by Broken Bindings.

I am also selling 'sneaker'decals, a buck apiece,which will be posted on our "Wall of Fame" with donor's name.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Join my Team!

Many of you know I have Multiple Sclerosis. Again this year, some of my very best buds, my girls, the Hubby and I are rockin' the MSWalk.Click here to visit my team page and sponsor me!

April 23, 2006.

Thanks in Advance! Smooches

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Broke, broken, and heartbroken

Honestly, there is just SO.MUCH bad stuff going on around here lately, I hesitate to write about it. I hesitate to even think about most of it. I am fine, well mostly, and my IMMEDIATE family is fine (thankgodknockwood) but so much other stuff is going on my head can't stop spinning.

Trying to just breathe lately. Forgive me. Be back soon, if intermittently.

In the meantime, this just made me smile, for 5 minutes. it's woth a look y'all. Make sure your volume is up.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Some how, I tried to edit one LITTLE thing in my template, and screwed EVERYTHING up!

wouldn't post any entries, couldn't read or answer comments ( but I read them in email, thanks everyone)

my lil sis suggested I try switching templates to get rid of my eggregious errors, and TA DAH!

I seem to be back.

Thanks Stinkymom.