Originally uploaded by Broken Bindings.
Okay, maybe not quite that bad, but really, these two adorable creatures have been running me RAGGED this week.
On the upside.......no time to be depressed. heh
The past 10 days or so have been unbelievably busy. Mostly good stuff, our springtime activities heat up every year, with school band/chorus concerts, the annual dance recital coming up, end-of-year girl scout trips, etc. But come on, 10 days with nothing but driving, packing, unpacking, driving some more, screaming, etc?
puhleeeeeeeese gimme a break.
Friday, the 13th, Bookworm and I had a sleepover party at our nearby Girl Scout Activity Center. I was NOT looking forward to this, but actually, we had the time of our lives!
The party was called "Freaky Friday" and included several troops from the area, each girl bringing an important older female in her life. I got to be the Bookworm's important lady.
The evening was chock-full of girly activities like manicure time, making friendship bracelets, creating unique outfits out of construction paper, buttons and bows, and then dragging out the sleeping bags and snuggling up to watch "Freaky Friday" on a huge prejection TV.
Bookie and I laughed, like we haven't in a loooooooong time, cuddled, crafted, teased, tickled, and hugged, both of us reveling in the mother/daughter alone time. We soooooo needed it. I am amazed at how caring, funny, original, creative, and fun my (gasp) nearly 11-year-old baby has become.It was really, really nice to spend that time with her.
The next day, after tackling the 'rope course' at the camp ground, we made our way home. At 1:00
At 2:00-
Kiddo had to be 20 minutes away at a neighbor's birthday party. I dumped luggage, grabbed the Kiddo, and took off. Thankfully, my very sweet hubby had treated Kiddo to a night out at the Golden Arches, and a trip to Target to get the birthday present, otherwise we would have been VERY late.
Meanwhile, said British gentleman assembled our Kiddo's brand-new 15 foot trampoline, which was a birthday present for the lil one, we had promised it to her at her December birthday party and finally delivered.
Okay, this is getting too wordy, even for me, heh.
To be continued.....
I have been reading you all, and missing the interaction. But hey, Spring only comes around once a year, right?
Hugs all
Whew! Your week sounds about like mine. A whirlwind of activities.
Your "Freaky Friday" sleepover sounds like fun. How nice, that you and the Bookworm had some mom/daughter time. I really need to make time for more one-on-one interaction with my daughters.
An excellent post! Loved the Freaky Friday event. Those are memories that will last her entire life.
i'm hoping i can do that with my daughter-in-law someday.
3 weeks till school's out. then what???
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